2nd July 2020 News

Commissioner urges caution as lockdown restrictions ease further

Saturday 4th July sees bars and restaurants open

Saturday 4th July sees bars and restaurants able to open, as long as they ensure their venues follow the Government’s guidelines to help mitigate against a resurgence in coronavirus cases. Other businesses and venues including cinemas and other attractions will also be able to reopen.

Groups of up to two households will also be able to meet in any location, indoors or outdoors, as long as social distancing is observed.

Mr Grunshaw has called on the people of Lancashire to continue following the Government guidelines as they continue to change and act with caution to make sure the sacrifices everyone has made during the last three months is not wasted.

He said:

“It is welcome news that we are able to take, however cautiously, more steps to reopen the county further, whilst accepting that we will still need to manage the spread of this virus in the short to medium term.

“After what has been and continues to be a frightening time for many, it may be tempting to see this weekend as a return to normality, but I would urge everyone to continue observing social distancing guidelines which remain our best weapon in preventing a resurgence of the virus and ultimately saving thousands of lives.

“Officers will continue to reassure and advise the public of the Government guidelines whilst enforcement has remained a last resort throughout the pandemic. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions and has a role to play in this national effort.

“I am proud of how as a county we have adapted throughout this crisis and I know that together we can continue to move forward, whilst keeping our most vulnerable people safe.”

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