22nd March 2023

Boxing project makes impact in Hyndburn with Commissioner's Funding

The scheme has been backed by his Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, with sessions at Clayton Amateur Boxing Club focused on training, health and wellbeing and providing a positive outlet for people who may be at risk of, or have already been involved in anti-social behaviour.

By engaging with the community and breaking down barriers with support services and local policing teams, the project aims to provide a way for people to focus on something positive and engage in their community.

The project has also received support from Active Lancashire’s Challenge through Sport Initiative Programme (CSI), who have utilised the Youth Justice Sport Trust Fund to further enhance the sessions.

Andrew met with young people and their families as well as those supporting the delivery of the sessions.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“I’m delighted to see the positive impact that this project is having on the community and meet the young people involved.  By engaging young people and providing them with a positive outlet, we are breaking down barriers and reducing the risk of anti-social behaviour.

“I would like to commend the boxing club, as well as Active Lancashire’s CSI Programme, for their hard work and dedication in making this project a success. Providing money to address local concerns is exactly what my community funding is set up to do, and seeing for myself this working, and talking to the people who benefit, is always valuable.

“When I help fund projects through my Safer Lancashire Neighbourhood Fund, there is always a poetic irony in using cash seized from criminals and pumping it back into the community they once exploited, helping us fund projects that address root causes of crimes and bettering the lives of those in the community.”

“This funding and work of other organisations and charities is important, but needs to be alongside a more visible police presence on our streets that will be delivered the police uplift programme to tackle anti-social behavior”

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund has supported a range of initiatives aimed at reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in the local community. Through partnerships with local organisations, these projects have had a positive impact on the lives of many individuals in the area.

For more information on the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, visit https://www.lancashire-pcc.gov.uk/grant-funding/safer-lancashire-neighbourhoods-fund/

Jane Moodie, CSI and Operations Manager, Active Lancashire said:

“The funding from the Youth Justice Sports Trust and the PCC has enabled this successful partnership to run a pilot to take a different approach. It adds value to the services working hard to support and empower young people, their family & their friends.

“The combined experience of all the team has created a strong behaviour change tool and we now need to replicate this to make it sustainable in other areas of Lancashire.”

John Brindle from Clayton Amateur Boxing Club said:

“Our team are proud of the work we do and appreciate the commendations we receive. I am pleased to say that there are a number of youngsters who have been referred to the funded group (PCC) who have already moved onto the boxing group.

“I would like to thank all the people who have worked their socks off in acquiring the referrals.  In particular Sgt. Carl McCoy, Andy Kelly and the Active Lancs team.”

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