7th September 2023

Cash seized from criminals boosts Lancaster BID's ASB fight

Utilising cash seized from criminals, Commissioner Snowden has again supported the BID Warden scheme, which is addressing ASB and other crime that damages businesses and impacts the public.

This has seen a BID Warden on duty seven days a week instead of the previous five, increasing coverage and boosting engagement. It also means two Wardens now work on a rota ensuring cover is available during any period.

Andrew Snowden joined the on-duty Warden in Lancaster recently to discuss how this extra funding will help make Lancaster safer, how they work in partnership with the local policing team and where extra funding is already benefiting the service the Warden’s provide.

The funding came from his Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, using cash seized from offenders and investing it back into the county to deter crime and keep people safe. It follows funding that helped to grow the scheme during 2022.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“It’s fantastic to see how projects that I’ve previously backed through my Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund are growing and continuing to make a difference, so I’m pleased to support further enhancement of the BID Warden scheme in Lancaster.

“There is always a poetic irony when funding projects like this, utilising cash seized from criminals and pumping it back into the communities they previously exploited. That’s exactly what I have done here in Lancaster, backing this project that makes a meaningful difference to businesses, residents and visitors with money removed from offenders’ pockets.

“As I continue to lead the fight against crime, I will work closely with the Constabulary and partners across Lancashire so that any investment we make delivers value for money and, crucially, positive results that make a lasting difference.”

Tony Johnson, Lancaster BID Manager said::

“Lancaster BID are delighted with the continued support from the Police and Crime Commissioner. The fact that we have our BID Warden out 7 days a week, 365 days a year gives  comfort to businesses, locals and visitors that there is a friendly face patrolling the streets, acting as the eyes and ears for the Police.

“By having our BID warden on patrol we know from feedback received from our businesses that it cuts down drastically the amount of low level ASB in the city so the funding is vital to keep that going.”

For more information on the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, visit lancashire-pcc.gov.uk/grant-funding/safer-lancashire-neighbourhoods-fund or email funding@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk

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