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Have you been affected by hate crime?

You could also be a victim of hate crime if you believe you are being targeted because the offender perceives you to be different in some way.

Any experience of hate crime may leave you feeling angry, alone, stressed, depressed or frightened. You don’t have to deal with this on your own, Lancashire Victim Services are here to support you whenever you need our help. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sure whether an incident amounts to a crime or if you haven’t reported it to the police. We are here – to talk, to listen, for advice, for help.

All of our services are free and confidential. For more information head to the website here.

Other services are available to report hate incidents and crimes to third parties please click on the links below for more information on what’s available.

What is hate crime?

Any crime or incident which you believe is happening because of race, ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability is a hate crime.

You could also be a victim of hate crime if you believe you are being targeted because the offender perceives you to be different in some way.

Support to Report 

Third-party hate crime reporting centres are places you can go to report hate crime, without having to go to a police station or contact the police directly. They will make a crime report on your behalf, even if you want to do so anonymously.

Support to Report Centres is third party reporting centres that have achieved an accredited level of service delivery by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire.

This means that when you visit an accredited Support to Report Centre, you know you will receive a quality level of service.

Many Support to Report Centres offer additional services to reporting crime, such as dedicated caseworkers to help support you in the aftermath of crime.

Please click here to visit the Lancashire Constabulary hate crime page, where you can find details of all Support to Report Centres, and many third-party reporting centres, throughout Lancashire.

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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:

The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston