14th April 2022

'Horse HQ' tour of police mounted branch for Police Commissioner

During a tour of the site, the Commissioner met several of the horses kept by Lancashire Constabulary and some of those who look after them and get them ready for action in a range of scenarios from busy events like football matches, protests and parades to community policing and patrols.

He also witnessed horses put through their paces in the training area, thanking the team for their work and talking with them about the importance of the Mounted branch to policing in Lancashire and planned investment into the facility.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“I am incredibly proud of the horses and the work they do, not least because Lancashire is one of just a few forces across the whole country to have retained a mounted section.

“Lancashire is known throughout the country for the quality of training our horses receive, including dealing with potential riot situations, fire hazards, and loud music and over the past 12 months I have seen for myself the important and unseen role in policing here in Lancashire and positive impact they have to keeping people safe.”


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