Lancashire is getting tough on anti-social behaviour. Report it.

Lancashire Constabulary and the Police and Crime Commissioner are working with partner agencies to continue tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) and are committed to making our communities a safer and nicer place to live.

Additonal policing hours delivered since launch in hotspot areas alone.

Op Centurion, is our campaign focusing on anti-social behaviour issues across the county. As part of this campaign, this dedicated website has been developed to help anyone who is looking to report ASB to the appropriate authority. Anti-social behaviour (ASB) has a profound impact on victims and how safe they feel in their neighbourhood.

What is Anti-Social Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour includes criminal and non-criminal behaviour that can cause nuisance and annoyance, or harm and distress to a person.

ASB significantly impacts individuals, affecting their sense of safety within their community.

Understanding Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour refers to a wide range of unacceptable activities that adversely affect people’s lives on a daily basis. It leaves victims feeling helpless, desperate, and drastically reduces their quality of life. ASB can involve actions that cause harm to individuals, the community, or the environment. It encompasses behaviour that leaves you feeling alarmed, harassed, or distressed, including fear of crime, concerns about public safety, public disorder, or public nuisance.

Examples include:

  • Substance misuse, such as dealing or using drugs in public spaces.
  • Drinking alcohol on the streets.
  • Nuisance vehicles such as e-bikes, e-scooters, quads in public areas.
  • Anti-social driving such as speeding, revving, stunts and dangerous manoeuvres.
  • Animal-related issues, like failing to properly restrain a dog in public places or dog fouling.
  • Inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles including bikes.
  • Nuisance caused by rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours.
  • Graffiti, vandalism, and littering.
  • Misuse of fireworks.
  • Making hoax calls.
  • Hate crime, including bullying and abusive behaviour based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.
  • Use of imitation weapons, such as BB guns, in public areas.
  • Prostitution-related activities.
  • Begging and vagrancy.

Some of the described anti-social behaviours are criminal offences, such as criminal damage or drug dealing, which can result in arrest and prosecution.

How to Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Everyone deserves to live a life free from anti-social behaviour. Your local council, the police, and other community safety partner agencies, including the fire service and social housing landlords, have a responsibility to address anti-social behaviour and assist those affected by it. If you are experiencing problems with anti-social behaviour or have concerns about it or other community safety issues, please contact your local council or call the non-emergency number 101 to reach the police.

When to Contact the Police:

Contact the police if you are experiencing any of the following issues:

  • Drug dealing.
  • Alcohol-fuelled crime/violence.
  • Criminal damage.
  • Gang-related activities.
  • Assault.
  • Prostitution or kerb-crawling.
  • Stolen property.
  • Hate crime incidents.
  • Use of imitation weapons, such as BB guns, in public areas.
  • Nuisance vehicles such as e-bikes, e-scooters, quads in public areas.
  • Anti-social driving such as speeding, revving, stunts and dangerous manoeuvres.

Dial 101 to speak to your local neighbourhood policing team or call 999 in case of an emergency. You can also report non-emergency crimes or incidents online.

When to Contact the Council:

There are various anti-social behaviour issues where the police may not be the most appropriate point of contact.

Local councils are responsible for upkeep of streets and public open spaces  as well as dealing with issues such as:

  • Aggressive begging.
  • Vehicle nuisance including parking issues and abandoned vehicles
  • Noise nuisance.
  • Neighbour nuisance.
  • Graffiti, vandalism, fly-tipping and littering.
  • Dog-related anti-social behaviour and fouling
  • Illegal or underage sales—report illegal goods to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Service, and report the sale of age-restricted goods to Trading Standards.
  • Misuse of fireworks—contact the Fire Service on 999 in case of immediate danger, but the council can also investigate and take action.

If you are experiencing ASB within rented accommodation, please contact your landlord or housing association in the first instance.

Efforts to Address ASB

Lancashire Constabulary organises regular PACT (Police and Communities Together) meetings and online ePACT meetings via their local Neighbourhood Policing Facebook pages to identify issues in each area. The police also engage with partner organisations to address community priorities and implement action plans. Check the Your Area page on the Lancashire Police website for details on your local Neighbourhood Policing Team and how to contact them.

ASB Case Review (Community Trigger)

The ASB Case Review (also referred to as Community Trigger) is a provision established under the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act of 2014. It allows victims of anti-social behaviour or their representatives to request a review of how their complaints have been handled.

The review process involves representatives from the local council, police, housing, and health departments. They assess whether the request to activate the trigger meets the local criteria. If the request qualifies, a panel will thoroughly examine the complaints and determine if further actions can be taken to resolve the issue. You can find details about ASB Case Review process on your local council’s website.

452 civil actions were issued for intimidating behaviour last year. Lancashire is getting tough on anti-social behaviour. Report it.

Lancashire Talking is Lancashire Police’s major initiative that aims to understand the needs of local communities. It is where residents can share concerns about their area with officers. As part of their commitment to keeping Lancashire a safe place to live, work and visit, they have been investing in Neighbourhood Policing teams across the county. Visit to find out more and let us know what issues you might have in your area.

Lancashire Talking logo

People often say that they feel helpless and desperate and that the experience of anti-social behaviour has had a very serious impact on their quality of life. LVS are there to support anyone struggling with the effects of anti-social behaviour. They provide emotional support, guidance, and practical help so people can move forward with their life, regardless of whether or not it has been reported to police. Help is free and confidential, call them on: 0300 323 0085 (lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or email

You can also report anti-social behaviour activity to CrimeStoppers, an independent charity working to help communities. Anything reported to CrimeStoppers is in complete confidence and you will remain anonymous. To contact them please call 0800 555 111 or visit their website to report online.

CrimeStoppers logo and number 0800 555 111

Supported by money seized from criminals through the Proceeds of Crime Act, the PCC’s grant funding supports projects, schemes and investments that deter crime, protect people, and help deliver his priorities – particularly around Anti-Social Behaviour. You can find out more about available grant funding on the Commissioner’s website.

StreetSafe is a Home Office initiative designed to help identify areas in our local communities where people may feel less safe.

It is not a crime reporting tool; we’d always urge anyone who has been a victim of crime to report that to us in the usual way. What StreetSafe does, is allow residents to tell us anonymously about public places where they have felt or feel unsafe.

This could be because of an environmental issue, such as abandoned buildings, street lighting, or vandalism or because of the behaviours of others including being followed and verbal abuse.

The information we get from StreetSafe will help to enrich our understanding of communities’ concerns and, alongside other available data, help to inform our decision making.

For further information about the StreetSafe initiative or to make an anonymous report please visit;

New Street Safe Tool logo