Looking Ahead
I am very proud of the achievements over my time in office and the results over the past 12 months which are highlighted in this report.

The world of policing never stands still, and while we have made great strides in delivering against the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire, I realise that there is still more to be done in taking the fight to criminals and keeping our beautiful county safe.
I am pleased to say that we will see more officers joining Lancashire’s front line in the coming months following the Constabulary’s successful recruitment drive which beat the national targets set through the Police Uplift Programme.
Many of the officers recruited are now completing their training and will soon join teams across the county, bolstering our response to crime and anti-social behaviour across Lancashire, from our cities to our glorious countryside.
You can expect to see even more results through Op Warrior which pursues organised crime gangs, targeted efforts to crack down on anti-social behaviour through the Constabulary’s new specialist unit and the additional funding secured from the Government, continued action to take dangerous drivers off out streets and more partnership work to tackle violence against women and girls.
With the budget set for the year ahead and the biggest investment in the Constabulary in living memory now underway, I will ensure that the force has the resources and infrastructure needed to build on its position as one of the top forces in the country.
I will continue to lead the fight against crime by working closely with the Chief Constable and our partners to make sure that Lancashire residents get the policing service they deserve.
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston
Email: commissioner@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk