I am extremely proud and honoured to be the new Chief Constable of Lancashire Constabulary and to lead a force made up of committed, hardworking and professional people. As the Deputy Chief Constable over the last year, I led Lancashire Constabulary in ensuring our Plan on a Page, alongside the Police and Crime Plan, remained at the heart of all that we do in Lancashire Constabulary.
2023 saw an 8% reduction in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) calls, an 8% reduction in domestic abuse offences, a 3% reduction in all burglary offences and a 12% reduction in the number of casualties in road traffic collisions. Communities have seen the impact of Operation Centurion and Operation Grip tackling ASB and violence and ensuring officers are visible in the communities and targeting those who commit ASB. Victims of crime now get a quicker and more professional response to their call, and organised criminals using our roads are now targeted day in day out by the new Roads Crime Team.
The proportion of positive outcomes in rape cases has risen to 10.4%, and the dedicated Rape and Serious Sexual Offence (RASSO) teams will ensure that this trend continues. Violence against woman and girls (VAWG) has been the subject of additional training for all officers, and a
VAWG scrutiny panel has been established to provide independent scrutiny of our response. Additional training to ensure the best quality service to victims of domestic abuse has been rolled out across the force.
Our workforce planning over the last few years has focused on the national uplift programme, and having successfully delivered this, we have been able to focus our resourcing and planning attentions to the Force Control Room and Response and Investigation models across the Force. This has been driven by an evidence based developed by the Change and Continuous Improvement Team who have undertaken demand and resource profiling for these areas to ensure we are staffed to an optimum level, with equity of skills across each time team.
The ASB, Prevention and Problem- Solving Command which includes specialists in problem solving, civil enforcement, designing out crime, rural and business crime are now well established across the force. The team have been supporting officers and staff across the County to implement sustainable solutions to address recurring issues.
During 2023, members of the team supported and advised on many problem-solving operations to tackle issues such as anti-social behaviour, burglary, drug dealing and motorcycle nuisance. Three dedicated Civil Enforcement Officers have joined the team, and their focus is to develop and secure Civil Orders against the most prolific anti-social individuals or gangs involved in ASB and crime.
Lancashire Constabulary’s commitment and dedication to tackling serious and organised crime through Operation Warrior, goes from strength to strength. Since the launch of Operation Warrior, the Constabulary has achieved significant year-on- year increases in arrests and imprisonment for organised criminals. Through a determined partnership approach, we have also seen a marked increase in the seizure of Class A drugs, cannabis plants and taken over one million pounds out of the hands of criminals to reinvest back into policing our communities.
We have also worked with our safeguarding partners to protect our most vulnerable who suffer because of serious organised crime.
The last year has seen significant changes across the Force which has fundamentally changed the way we allocate and investigate crimes across Lancashire, ensuring an effective and efficient method of crime recording, allocation, investigation, and closure, keeping the victim at the heart of our processes.
We are currently as a force being Inspected by HMICFRS as part of their PEEL Inspection process. I am confident that the investments and changes we have made this year are leading to significant improvements in the service we offer. We expect the 2024 PEEL Inspection by HMICFRS to conclude late Summer with an anticipated published Inspection report by the end of the year. We are also engaged with regular thematic inspections, and incorporate the learning from these into continuous improvement. These have included SOC, custody, vetting, and the national super- complaint.
The last year has seen unprecedented changes to our Chief Officer Team, with the retirement of Chief Constable Chris Rowley whom we wish him the best in his future and the tragic passing of ACC Pete Lawson that was felt across the whole force and beyond.
The new Chief Officer team led by myself bring a wealth of experience and knowledge. I am looking forward to the year ahead as Chief Constable, and I know we will continue to work together to ensure we deliver an outstanding service for our communities.
Sacha Hatchett
Chief Constable
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