His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) Report During 2023, Lancashire Constabulary were inspected by HMICFRS on Serious and Organised Crime (SOC) who recognised the Constabulary as being ‘Good’.

HMICFRS recognised two areas of innovative practice of the Constabulary: the use of 4P plans; to pursue offenders through prosecution and disruption; to prepare for when SOC occurs and mitigate impact; to protect individuals, organisations and systems; and to prevent people from engaging in SOC, driven by a network of lead responsible officers (LRO’s); and the approach to tackling exploitation linked to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Lancashire Constabulary continues to be one of the top performing forces in the country with the latest 2021/22 HMICFRS PEEL Inspection recognising the Constabulary as a good force that engages with the public and plans for the future effectively, managing finances well and protects the public of Lancashire from the most serious of offenders.
The report made a special mention of the force’s successful problem- solving approach to reduce rural crime and prevent antisocial behaviour.
Problem Solving Awards Awards
The 5th annual Problem Solving Awards took place in November 2023, showcasing the best examples of problem-solving taking place in Lancashire and sharing best practice.
The Problem-Solving Awards rightly celebrate some of the many ways that officers and staff across Lancashire Constabulary are proactively taking the fight to criminals and finding new ways to work alongside partners to the priorities in the Commissioner’s Fighting Crime Plan.
Ahead of the event, over 40 nominations were submitted from police officers and staff to a panel of academic partners from Edge Hill University, Lancaster University and University of Central Lancashire. These nominations were marked and the winners of seven specific categories were chosen.
The seven categories were neighbourhood policing, investigations, partnership working, fighting crime, business support and volunteers, student officers and Operation Centurion which has a focus on anti-social behaviour.
At the event held at Ribby Hall Village, the seven category winners presented their submissions to over 180 peers, stakeholders and a panel of judges including Chief Constable Chris Rowley, Assistant Chief Constable Russ Procter, Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Andrew Snowden, Sylvia Chenery, Lanpac Chairman David Smith and the Chief Executive of Blackpool Council Neil Jack.
The winning submission was Operation Morano, a multi-agency operation, which demonstrated excellence in partnership working to tackling and preventing anti- social behaviour and criminality in the Skelmersdale area.
The overall winner of the Problem Orientated Policing Award 2023 will now represent Lancashire Constabulary at the National Problem-Solving Awards, called the Tilley Awards in 2024.
Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR)
A revised version of the SPR was published in February 2023 which provided strengthened detail around the action required from policing at the local and regional level to the critical national threats.
The 2023 SPR sets out seven identified national threats. These are: Serious and Organised Crime (SOC); Terrorism; Cyber; Child Sexual Abuse; Public Disorder and Civil Emergencies. These remain from the 2015 version with the addition in 2023 of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).
The Commissioner is confident he has given due regard to the seven threat areas identified in his role of holding the Chief Constable to account. Violence against women and girls, while not previously contained in the SPR, nonetheless is a key issue that is reflected in his Fighting Crime Plan, and which is included in this report.
Estates and Infrastructure
In 2023/2024 the Estates and Facilities Management (EFM) Team has continued to drive forward its strategic programme of improvements to the Constabulary estate and assets. Supported by the Commissioner’s drive and focus on developing a modern, fit for purpose policing estate, including additional financial support to deliver the Capital Programme.
The five-year Capital Programme has been refined to focus on critical and priority works, which will be informed by updated condition surveys in 2024/2025.
The EFM Team has this year delivered key phases of some of its critical enabling infrastructure schemes:
New police station for Chorley
In July 2023, acquisition of the former Runshaw College on Euxton Lane at Chorley took place, to enable the creation of a new police station for Chorley. The scheme has been awarded and design phases have commenced in early 2024.
The new site will provide a base for the delivery of policing services to the community including local neighbourhood policing teams, immediate response officers and teams which are currently based at the existing police station in Chorley town centre.
Additionally, it will also accommodate the Road Policing Unit, Safer Roads Unit, Long Term Storage and will have agile workspace and shared meeting space.
The site marks a significant investment for the force and its officers and staff, and will cost in the region of £18M. Enabling works commence June 2024 with main construction starting September 2024. Completion is scheduled for July 2025 with full occupancy by September 2025.
Once completed next year, the site will have a positive impact on policing in the area, and support the fantastic work officers and staff do, around the clock, to keep people safe.
Progress on Pendle Police Station
Over the past twelve months, the final design and tender award was completed for the new police station at Pendle for the East Division. Planning pre-conditions were formally approved and works commenced on site in February 2024.
In March 2024, the Commissioner was delighted to hold a groundbreaking ceremony at the new site of Pendle Police Station, which has been many years in the planning. The new state-of- the-art station is set to replace the dated stations in Colne and Nelson, futureproofing police infrastructure in the area, giving officers the resources to best keep the community safe.
Willmott Dixon have been chosen to deliver the site, which will be operational within the next two years and will host policing teams including response and neighbourhood policing, investigations, targeting and more. There will also be a front counter, maintaining the service for Pendle as part of the Commissioner’s commitment that every borough will have a police station open to the public.
Construction work is scheduled for completion in September 2025, with full occupancy by November 2025.
HQ Redevelopment – Critical Policing Infrastructure Programme (CPIP)
After announcing plans for a new £75m investment to redevelop the Lancashire Constabulary Headquarters site in Hutton, South Ribble, the Commissioner was pleased that in January 2024, the blueprint for the scheme was given full planning permission.
Covering the Main HQ site on Saunders Lane, and nearby facilities on Lindle Lane which house the Constabulary’s dogs and horses, the transformation in the plans to redevelop the sites will enable the replacement of buildings that are no longer safe or fit for purpose for modern day policing. Once completed they will also allow improved security, training and future proofed fleet facilities.
To take the fight to criminals and deliver the best possible service, it is vital that police and staff working around the clock to keep people safe, are given the right infrastructure to enable the most efficient, effective and cutting- edge ways of working.
Over the past 12 months there has been full planning submission, site surveys and maturing of design plans at the Saunders and Lindle Lane. A contractor award will take place in May 2024, ready for works to commence on site early in 2025.
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Email: commissioner@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk