Annual Report 2023 - 2024 - Page 15


The Commissioner’s has worked closely with the Chief Constable and his senior leadership team to understand the operational needs and financial pressures of Lancashire Constabulary for the year ahead. Revenue Budget The 2023/24 revenue budget for was set at £356m in February 2023. The position at 31 March 2024 is set out here:

Chief Constable
Budget (£m)Spend (£m)Variance (£m)Difference (%)
Pay costs283.310283.9560.6460.23
ACC Territorial Operations7.6798.2510.5727.45
ACC Crime3.5824.1960.61417.14
ACC People and Specialist Uniform Operations4.8865.1080.2224.54
Chief Operating Officer32.83431.704-1.130-3.44
Deputy Chief Constable1.3631.5440.18113.28
Sub total333.654334.7651.1050.33
Non-DFM budget9.2957.550-1.745-18.77
Total Constabulary Budget342.949342.309-0.640-0.19
Lancashire police - police car
Budget (£m)Spend (£m)Variance (£m)Difference (%)
Office of the PCC1.6211.592-0.029-1.79
Fighting Crime0.7390.7790.0405.41
Victim and Domestic Abuse services0.5600.56000
Sub total3.0463.0600.0140.46
Total PCC12.97912.663-0.316-2.43
Total Budget355.928354.972-0.956-0.27
Funding 2023/2024
Government Grant239,926,52767%
Council Tax116,001,20833%
Funding 2023/24

A total of £18.768m has been spent on capital projects in this year:

Capital Investment
IT Strategy5.610
Vehicle Replacement Programme6.863
Other schemes0.398
What the money is spent on
Local Policing25.03%
Dealing with the public6.90%
Criminal Justice arrangements4.78%
Road Policing2.70%
Operational Support3.71%
Investigative Support2.65%
National Policing0.50%
Support Functions19.18%
Corporate Costs3.00%
Public Protection7.77%
What the money is spent on

The main elements of this spend are:

I.T. Strategy
Network Access and Security£0.826m
Device upgrade and replacement£1.608m
System replacement£3.176m
Chorley police station£3.623m
Pendle police station£1.426m
Other Schemes
Replacement of specialist equipment£0.125m
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) equipment and infrastructure£0.154m
Regional collaborations£0.119m

Police Uplift Programme

In 2023/24 30 additional police officers were recruited into Lancashire Constabulary. Since 2019, 612 additional police officers have been recruited, exceeding a target of 509 additional officers set by the government.

The new recruits take the police officer headcount to 3,616, who serve the 1.5 million people living in the diverse communities of Lancashire.


The Commissioner’s plan to recruit 60 more police officers for neighbourhood teams has been approved following cross-party support from both Conservative and Labour Councillors for his budget proposals. These extra officers will further bolster the frontline, with the first 20 being recruited in the next financial year and the rest in the following two years.

The police element of council tax will rise by £11.95 a year, 4.75%, which is lower than the precept maximum allowed of over 5%. This is on top of c£19million in additional government support since last year’s budget to help meet funding pressures relating to inflation and the 7% pay rise for police officers and staff awarded by the government this year.

In the coming year, the investments announced will include:

  • £400,000 to target dangerous driving.
  • £1million to recruit an additional officers for Neighbourhood Policing Teams across the county. £450,000 to support the delivery of anti-social behaviour hotspot patrols.
  • £204,000 to pay for extra officers in the digital investigations team.
  • £185,000 for new economic crime investigators; and
  • £751,000 for investment in information technology.
  • £2million for investment in digital and fleet capabilities.
  • The Commissioner will also deliver a savings programme of £8million to ensure the frontline is protected and the force is as efficient as it can be.
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