Annual Report 2023 - 2024 - Page 16


Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund

Announced as part of the Commissioner’s Fighting Crime Plan and officially launched to applicants Spring 2021, the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund (SLNF) has been investing into projects that deter and tackle crime, supporting community organisations and partners in making Lancashire safer and allowing Lancashire Constabulary to deliver innovative, new ways of taking the fight to criminals.

The three strands that make up the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund are:

  • Community Fund
  • Police Innovation Fund
  • ‘Fighting Crime’ Grants

Community Fund

In 2023/24 the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund Community strand received 152 applications with 61 organisations being successful totalling £509,832.58.

It is estimated the 61 projects funded will work with 28,800 individuals, including over 22,800 young people.

The aim of the Community Fund is to support smaller organisations and community groups in delivering projects and improvements within their communities, using money that has in part been seized from criminals.

Police Innovation Fund

The Commissioner is committed to offering an outstanding police service to the public with the aim to build and retain confidence in the police.

The Police Innovation Fund supports innovative crime reduction initiatives to make policing more efficient and effective.

In 2023/24 the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund received 42 applications with 10 initiatives being successful totalling £184,108.16.

Fighting Crime Grant

The Commissioner awarded £40,000 to Wyre Council and £25,000 to Fylde Borough Council towards the upgrade of their CCTV systems. Also, £58,236 was awarded to four Council areas to support additional patrols within district councils.

The Commissioner also provided £175,721.49 funding to Lancashire Constabulary to support additional policing resource over bank holidays and the festive season.

Case Study

Cash seized from criminals boosts Lancaster BID’s ASB fight

In September 2023 the Commissioner visited Lancaster to see how the local Business Improvement District (BID) is delivering a project, backed by the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, to address concerns in the town centre and protect the public.

Utilising cash seized from criminals, the Commissioner supported the BID warden scheme, which is addressing ASB and other crime that damages businesses and impacts people.

This has seen a BID Warden on duty seven days a week instead of the previous five, increasing coverage and boosting engagement. It also means two Wardens now work on a rota ensuring cover is available during any period.

Op Sunshine engaged 477 young people through 18 sessions, analytic reports show a significant decrease in ASB in the delivery areas between July and November and local businesses anecdotally reported a reduction in ASB across the town centre.

Op Sunshine received the Shrievalty Rose Bowl High Sheriff Award.

Preston North End Community Education Trust recognised the success of the project and continue to deliver sessions in the locality.

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