Setting the direction – the PCC sets the strategic direction for the police force and ensures accountability for policing
Your PCC will
- be accountable to you, the electorate
- set strategic policing priorities to meet local needs
- hold the force to account through the Chief Constable
- consult with and involve the Lancashire public
Working with partners to prevent and tackle crime and re-offending
Your PCC will
- ensure that the police respond effectively to your concerns and threats to public safety
- promote and enable joined-up working on community safety and criminal justice
- work to increase your confidence in how crime is cut and policing delivered
Being the voice of the public, the vulnerable and victims
Your PCC will
- ensure that public priorities are acted upon, victims are consulted and that the most vulnerable individuals are not overlooked
- comply with the General Equality Duty under the Equality Act
- commission specialist services for victims of crime across Lancashire
Contributing to the resourcing of policing response to regional and national threats
The Commissioner will ensure an effective policing contribution alongside other partners to national arrangements to protect the public from other cross-boundary threats in line with the strategic policing requirement
Ensuring value for money
- is responsible for setting the budget. This includes how much you pay for the police part of your council tax and how policing grants from central government are spent.
- will ensure that the people of Lancashire receive value for money