The Police & Crime Plan for Lancashire 2024-2029

Commissioner Grunshaw and officers

Foreword from Commissioner

Serving the public as Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), for my third term in Office is a huge privilege. Whilst the policing landscape has changed, and will continue to change, I remain committed to ensuring all the communities that we serve, trust us to keep them safe. I strive to strengthen this trust through meaningful and respectful engagement between the police and the public.

Clive Grunshaw
I will ensure we use police officers to best effect, have a focus on supporting and diverting young people, whilst driving collaboration to improve public safety.

This plan sets out my vision for policing across Lancashire in preventing and investigating crime. It is based on extensive feedback from Lancashire residents, alongside local and national research and publications.

Despite crime being low in Lancashire, I’m acutely aware it may not feel that way for many people, particularly in our most deprived communities, and it’s no consolation to the thousands of people who are victims of crime each year.

This plan follows a preventative policing approach, which aims for fewer victims, fewer offences and less demand on policing. I will ensure we use police officers to best effect, have a focus on supporting and diverting young people, whilst driving collaboration to improve public safety. This means putting the service in the right place to deliver on both local and national priorities for policing. The financial climate in which we are operating remains challenging, however, Lancashire Constabulary has an excellent efficiency record, and I will continue to modernise our police estate, and support core areas of police activity to help cut crime and keep people safe.

Neighbourhood policing is a historic strength for Lancashire. The public demand officers in their neighbourhoods, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour. I will have a real focus on how we can further expand and reinforce this.

The work on investigative quality across the Constabulary must continue. The public have some simple and reasonable expectations of the police which include answering the phone promptly, attending incidents in a timely way, and investigating all reasonable lines of enquiry, whilst being kept up to date.

Responding to the public and investigating crime must be a top priority. Whilst charge rates, arrests, and visible policing remain important, the ultimate outcome is where a community can be safe and feel safe. Too many victims of crime are still being let down by the wider criminal justice system and I am committed to working with Government and partners to make improvements.

Lancashire Constabulary, like other forces, are under more scrutiny than ever. Lancashire must be able to adapt to the changing nature of crime and it is incumbent on me as Commissioner, to make sure that our police service has the right tools to do this.

My role – on behalf of Lancashire’s residents – is to hold the Chief Constable accountable for delivering an effective and efficient police force. At the same time, I am personally responsible for ensuring that Lancashire Police operates as a trusted and legitimate service that makes our communities feel safer. The goals of my Police and Crime Plan are to improve the policing service our communities receive, whilst increasing trust and confidence in our police.

I vow to make Lancashire safer through strong leadership, tough scrutiny, and effective policing.

Clive Grunshaw

Clive Grunshaw
Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner

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