I will work with partners to prevent crime and protect Lancashire. Preventing crime and harm to our citizens needs all our partners to engage, and I’m committed to bringing partners together to deliver the services the public need.

This means fewer victims, fewer offences and less demand on policing, by addressing underlying causes of offending and using partnership-oriented problem solving.
We know there is a strong correlation between deprivation and crime, mental health issues, domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour and wider society issues.
I will ensure that Lancashire Constabulary takes every opportunity to prevent crime and identify and support vulnerable people, addressing the underlying causes through effective early intervention, adopting public health approaches and problem solving.
It is vital that we reduce the harm caused to our communities by preventing crime and victimisation which, in turn, will help to build trust and confidence.
My Office will work with our partners and the wider system to identify and address issues at the earliest stage possible and to intervene to prevent crisis demand wherever possible. My Office, together with the Constabulary will be a consistent part of a “whole system” approach to prevention. To enable this, we have a responsibility to make sure that we have effective partnerships and organisational structures, so our people can demonstrate the strong and imaginative leadership that is needed to continuously improve our approach to prevention.
Alongside this, Trauma Informed Lancashire continues to be a movement supporting public, private and third sector organisations and communities in understanding how psychological trauma can impact individuals and considering implications for their services.
Grant Funding
I will support local initiatives through my Community Fund to prevent crime and divert people away from a life of criminality.
Tackling reoffending is equally important and I will support projects and initiatives that help break the cycle of criminality.
My Community Fund is created using money seized from criminals. It provides small grants to support local voluntary and community groups working to improve the lives of people living in Lancashire that contribute to delivering the priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan.
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston