Supporting Victims
I understand how devastating being a victim of crime can be, and I want to ensure the right support is in place for victims – at every stage of their journey.

When subject to a crime, victims should receive a good service from the police. Victims want to be treated with respect and dignity; they want police to take appropriate action, and they want to be kept informed of the progress of their case.
I will continue to commission local victim support services that provide dedicated, emotional and practical support for victims of crime to help them cope, and as far as possible, recover from the effects of crime.
I am introducing a new operating model for victim services in the county, aimed at improving the service all victims of crime receive through better integration with the police and Witness Care Unit. This is in addition to the support provided to the voluntary and charitable sector to help victims should see a more comprehensive offer for victims across Lancashire.
Victims’ Code
The Victims’ Code explains the rights that everyone can expect to receive as a victim of crime and sets out the minimum standard that organisations must provide to victims of crime.
It is an important tool to ensure there is evidence of quality interactions and support provided to victims.
Whatever the crime, victims have the right to be informed about the criminal justice process and the support available.
Criminal justice agencies, including the police, are responsible for making sure that victims receive their rights in the Victims’ Code, and I will hold the Chief Constable to account for the Force’s role in this.
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston