Efficient and Effective Policing
I will engage with officers at all levels to understand how I can support them to deliver the best possible policing service to Lancashire residents.
Delivering on the priorities set out in this Police and Crime Plan will require investment and improvements in all areas of policing and by partner agencies. This includes the right information, data and tools to do the best job.
Whilst we strive to maximise the number of police officers serving the public, particularly in neighbourhood policing, there is also the need to invest in support services and the staff that provide them.
The test of efficiency is ultimately the absence of crime and disorder, rather than the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
I want Lancashire to be an outstanding force, and I will listen and respond to HMICFRS recommendations to help make our communities safer. Through my Accountability Board, I will ensure I monitor Lancashire Constabulary’s progress against HMICFRS recommendations, hold the Chief Constable to account for inspection findings, and drive sustained improvements in Lancashire Constabulary. The Police & Crime Plan for Lancashire 2024 – 2029.
I will continue to take a long-term approach to resources, considering spending and funding pressures to ensure the delivery of an effective, efficient and sustainable service. This will include seeking the best level of funding possible from the Government for policing and for the provision of services to effectively support victims of crime.
Working with the Chief Constable, I will develop an annual revenue budget, medium term financial plan and capital programme. The annual budget I set covers both day-to-day operational activity of more than £394m for 2024/25 and over the next four years there will be significant investment in capital assets such as buildings, ICT and together with other operational assets including vehicles, needed to be efficient and effective.
Technology offers the potential to improve productivity. Lancashire needs to be able to keep pace with a changing technological and economic environment – digital forensics, data science, robotics, artificial intelligence, cyber skills, and access to research and development. Data must also be used to inform decision making. This investment is vital in ensuring police officers in Lancashire have the tools and the support they need to tackle crime.
The test of efficiency is ultimately the absence of crime and disorder, rather than the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.

Council Tax Precept
I will lobby for fair funding and ensure that every penny spent is used to deliver the best possible service for residents of Lancashire. Addressing the outdated and unfair funding formula, to ensure it’s distributed where it’s needed most.
In setting the budget to meet the significant spending pressures we face, I will consider the level of Council Tax Precept very carefully as I understand the impact this has on households. I will continue to work with the Force and hold the Chief Constable to account to ensure the effective use of resources and deliver value for money. The Force will continue its programme to deliver savings over the short term, as well as long term sustainable efficiencies which will support the strengthening of frontline policing.
The Constabulary’s greatest asset is its workforce, and I will work to ensure Lancashire Constabulary is representative of Lancashire’s communities.
Modern policing means that Lancashire needs a range of skills in their workforce to be efficient and effective, and we need the right blend of police officers, staff, and volunteers to keep people safe.
I will support the Constabulary’s commitment to organisational development to ensure we have a workforce that feels valued and supported to deliver against my priorities.
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston
Email: commissioner@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk