Partnerships and Collaboration
Partnerships, and engagement from our partners, is key to delivering services to the citizens of Lancashire. I am committed to ensuring that the police, and where appropriate the OPCC, contribute to key strategic partnerships.

Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)
CSPs bring together local partners to formulate and implement strategies to tackle crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in their communities.
The Serious Violence Duty is a legal requirement for every local council in the County, which sees organisations working together to prevent and tackle serious violence, with PCCs and Deputy Mayors as the local conveners.
The Duty ensures serious violence is a priority for Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) and requires Specified Authorities to collaborate to prevent and reduce serious violence.
I am fully supportive of a whole system approach and welcome the introduction of the Serious Violence Duty. As a local leader I play a pivotal role in coordinating this activity and I will continue to support all Lancashire CSPs to deliver activities against my Police and Crime Plan. This includes improving their effectiveness, making it easier for them to serve the needs of their communities in tackling crime, disorder, and anti-social behaviour.
Lancashire Criminal Justice Board (LCJB)
The LCJB brings together key partners and senior representatives of the organisations responsible for delivering criminal justice services in Lancashire, including the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), prisons, Probation and the Courts Service.
I recognise that there are several significant pressures across the whole of the criminal justice system faced by every partner within it. I will chair the board to support partner agencies in addressing these issues and enable them to reduce backlogs in the criminal justice system, improve charge rates and reduce reoffending.
Combating Drugs Partnerships
Lancashire’s three Combating Drugs Partnerships (CDPs) are multi-agency forums accountable and responsible for the local delivery of the national drug strategy ‘From Harm to Hope’, which includes breaking down drug supply chains. The OPCC will work with the alliance to collaboratively address and tackle substance misuse across Lancashire.
Pan Lancashire Anti-Slavery Partnership (PLASP)
The PLASP brings together key stakeholders from the community safety arena including the police, local authorities, local businesses and third sector organisations.
Partners are committed to raising awareness of modern slavery.
Lancashire Strategic Reducing Reoffending Boards
The Lancashire Strategic Reducing Reoffending Board convenes criminal justice partners to look at new and innovative approaches to reducing reoffending. The aim of the partnerships is to work collaboratively to reduce reoffending by supporting individuals with the ultimate aim to protect the communities of Lancashire.
Lancashire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP)
The LRSP works collaboratively to deliver a safe systems approach in Lancashire to reduce deaths and injuries and make our roads safer.
The LRSP promotes a safe-systems approach that focuses on the delivery of the five pillars of the Safe System: Safer People, Safer Speeds, Safer Vehicles, Safer Roads, and post collision response.
I will work with the LRSP to support effective coordination, and delivery of safer roads activity across Lancashire. This includes increasing public awareness and understanding of road safety, supporting national road safety campaigns where appropriate.
Northwest Regional Organised Crime Unit (NWROCU)
The NWROCU operates across Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside and North Wales, with bases across the region.
It’s made up of officers and staff from Lancashire and across the region who offer specialist skills and additional resources, and I will give it my full support.
The mission of the unit is simple – to identify, disrupt and dismantle organised crime groups causing the most harm to the Northwest. This is done by working with partners to gather intelligence, cracking the most serious and organised crime networks and then seizing the assets of the criminals involved.
Counter Terrorism Policing Northwest (CTPNW)
CTPNW reflects a formal collaboration between the five north west police forces.
CTPNW works within the national Counter Terrorism network to make sure that UK Police forces are best equipped to protect the public from acts of terrorism or domestic extremism, and to investigate and prosecute those responsible.
They deliver specialist support to police forces throughout the country, but the five forces which make up the Northwest region are: GMP, Merseyside, Lancashire, Cheshire and Cumbria.
The Unit draws on a wide range of expertise, including detectives, financial investigators, community contact teams, intelligence analysts, forensic specialists and high-tech investigators.
Lancashire Police Museum
Lancashire Constabulary is rightly proud of its history and the Museum celebrates all that has been achieved here in Lancashire.
It shows how Lancashire Constabulary has been geographically shaped through the years to the area it covers today, and highlights key milestones like the appointment of the first female Chief Constable and our innovation in forensics.
Supported by the OPCC, Supported by the OPCC, the Museum’s main purpose is public engagement, welcoming well over 40,000 visitors since opening in 2022, from the very young, to the young at heart, and now has an active programme of talks from serving and retired officers, as well as regular activities for children to promote youth engagement during the school holidays.
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County Hall Preston