Communication and Engagement
As the public’s voice in policing, it’s critical for me and my Office to engage with Lancashire residents, their representatives, community safety partners and wider stakeholders to inform them about my work and that of my Office, to provide opportunities for feedback and to encourage collaboration to make Lancashire a safe place for all.

Good engagement and effective communications are essential to ensuring that the public and other stakeholders have an effective say in how their communities are policed, whilst understanding the challenges of modern policing.
The Communication and Engagement Strategy for my Office sets out several key objectives:
- To keep the public and key stakeholders informed about my work and maintain positive and effective communications to ensure they understand and are engaged in this work.
- To establish a strong brand identity to ensure that positive messages are embedded as part of the OPCC’s ongoing narrative.
- To grow a strong online presence including a dynamic social media programme.
- To improve communication and engagement with key external stakeholders and particularly with local, regional, and national political stakeholders through consistent communication and stakeholder briefings at all levels.
- To work collaboratively with partners to maximise coverage and reach of our messages.
- To ensure communication tools evolve to reflect best practice, address feedback and meet the future needs of the PCC.
As Commissioner, I will ensure regular communication through a wide variety of tools, tactics and channels including:
- Local media
- My website
- Social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Nextdoor
- Newsletters
- In The Know messaging service
- Targeted briefings
- Surveys
- Information videos
- Meetings and events
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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:
The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston