Culture and Inclusion
I will support the continuing development of an effective police service that builds trust and demonstrates a fair culture. Our vision is to enable policing to be a trusted profession with a representative workforce that demonstrates the highest levels of integrity, fairness and respect towards others

Lancashire has a rich history of being home to many established, as well as new and emerging global and diverse communities. Lancashire shares a strong history of community value and integration, and this is something we take pride in. Engaging with all our diverse and seldom heard communities, and listening to their views and values plays a fundamental role in improving trust, confidence and legitimacy, all of which are key priorities for policing.
The Chief Constable and I have a joint Culture & Inclusion (C&I) Strategy with four equality objectives:
- A police service that protects people from crime and seeks justice for victims.
- A police service that is fair, respectful and equitable in all that it says and does and consistently demonstrates positive engagement with all its local and diverse communities.
- A police service which continuously strives to improve community involvement in decision making, including oversight and scrutiny processes, to improve legitimacy.
- A police service that is representative of the public it serves, advances equity of opportunity, eliminates discrimination, and demonstrates a fair, respectful and inclusive culture for its workforce.
- Public confidence data.
- Maintenance of effective local engagement strategies.
- Monitoring of hate crime reporting.
- Monitoring of proportionality, including through independent scrutiny panels (e.g. stop and search).
- The use of People’s Voice and related programmes.
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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:
The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston