Governance and Accountability
I will hold the Chief Constable to account for delivering the highest standards of policing across Lancashire. The public want to see officers they can trust and who will be there when they are needed.

Through regular Accountability Board meetings, I will scrutinise the service Lancashire Constabulary provides to members of the public and hold the Chief Constable to account for making improvements.
My Office plays a key part in ensuring that standards are upheld and that any shortfalls in standards are dealt with efficiently and effectively.
Continuous monitoring of performance measures will be supported by both the police and the OPCC. I will also ensure transparent decision making and publication of information.
I will be supported in my oversight of Force activity through the range of volunteers who take part in scrutinising the Force, including through various panels and the Independent Custody Visitor Scheme (ICV).
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston