Message from Chief Constable
I am immensely proud to be the Chief Constable of Lancashire Constabulary, and to lead a committed workforce of police officers, staff and volunteers who strive each day to deliver excellent policing services to our communities.

Policing is a complex job, but our mission is quite simple: to prevent and fight crime, and to keep our communities and people safe. At the heart of this mission is our support for victims of crime. We have worked hard to change our policing model to deliver more for our public and we know we have made significant improvements in how we prevent crime, respond to calls for service, investigate crime and bring offenders to justice. We have invested in technology to make us more efficient at what we do and alongside the Commissioner, we are working to build our stations, so they are fit for modern day policing challenges. Each neighbourhood in the county has a dedicated team of officers and staff who are there to serve and protect them, and reducing harm in our communities remains our priority. We will continue with Operation Centurion to combat anti-social behaviour, and relentlessly tackle neighbourhood crime through Safer Streets. We are committed to pursuing criminals and gangs who cause the most harm to communities and will continue to target those responsible through Operation Warrior; our approach to rooting our serious and organised crime. My belief is that prevention is the key to reducing crime and the harm this causes to individuals and our communities. I have the same ambition as the Commissioner to reduce the number of people who experience crime by tackling the root causes. In Lancashire, we have an outstanding approach to problem solving and have been recognised nationally for our work. However, we cannot do this alone, and we must work with our partners in other agencies who are part of the solution to some of our endemic challenges. We have a clear focus on improving outcomes for those who are vulnerable. We have invested in dedicated rape and sexual assault teams across the force area who are specialists in this field. Supporting victims of domestic abuse and encouraging people to report crimes to us is critical to our mission of reducing violence, and we will continue to work with partners from the wider criminal justice system to improve outcomes and bring offenders to justice. Many of my officers, staff and volunteers are residents of Lancashire and choose to raise their families in this great county; they care as much as anyone else that this is a safe place to live, work and enjoy, and their passion, commitment and dedication demonstrates this daily. Upholding and maintaining the highest standards in policing is vital in building confidence and trust in our services. I want people to have the confidence that we will be there when they need us, and to trust us to keep them safe and feeling safe. I expect my officers and staff to always act professionally, and with integrity.
f they fall below this standard, we act quickly to root out those who shouldn’t be in policing. My commitment to the Commissioner, and to the communities of Lancashire, is that we will strive each and every day to deliver policing services to the highest standards, to generate trust and confidence in us by putting the people of Lancashire first.
Chief Constable
Sacha Hatchett
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