Statement on Decision Making
Read the Commissioner’s statement on Decision Making to find out;
- Who makes decisions
- How you can find out what is being considered
- How can find out about decisions that have been taken
- About rules relating to the business and the proceedings of the Commissioner
- Who you can contact for further information
Current Quarter:
Decision Ref:
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire's Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2025/26 and Capital Investment Programme for 2025/26 to 2028/29
I have received a report detailing the revenue budget for 2025/26 setting out the council tax precept requirement for the year and the capital investment programme for 2025/26 and future years.
Having considered the report I have agreed the revenue budget requirement for 2025/26 of £424.764 million and the resulting increase to the Band D council tax of £14 (5.31%). I have also agreed the allocations set out for the capital investment programme in the report.
Date of Decision:
24th February 2025Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Evaluation of the Lancashire Multi-Agency Risk Reduction Assessment and Coordination (MARRAC Model)
I approve the award the contract for evaluation of MARRAC to Connect Centre School of Law and Policing at the University of Central Lancashire in the amount of £59,729.71.
Date of Decision:
27th January 2025Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Domestic Abuse Support Services – Extension to Contract
I have considered advice from my officers and have approved the extension of the contract for the provision of support services for the victims of domestic abuse to the current provider (Victim Support).
I note the value of the contract as set out in the recommendation report and that the extension is to 31 March 2026.
I note that the service will be put out to commission during 2025/26 to deliver the service from 1 April 2026.
Date of Decision:
21st January 2025Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED - Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to, or includes, personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company. It is considered that in all circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Decision NoticeDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
AWARD OF Children and Young Peoples Nest Services 2025-28
I have considered advice from my officers and have approved the award of the Children and Young Peoples Nest Services 2025-28, to Victim Support.
I note the annual cost of £400,000 for up to 5 years.