
October 2013 to December 2013

Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund -amendments to grant criteria, application form and terms and conditions


The Commissioner has:

1) noted the number of applications approved and amount of funding already allocated to projects and schemes across Lancashire; and

2) approved the proposed changes to the Grant Criteria, Application Form and Terms and Conditions as set out in the decision paper now presented.

Date of Decision:

10th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2013-19-Appendix-A 2013-19-Appendix-B 2013-19-CAF-amendments

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund Applications


The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in the decision paper now presented at a total cost of £2,900.00.

Date of Decision:

10th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Waiving of Standing Orders in relation to Motor Claims handling arrangements


The Commissioner has agreed to waive Standing Orders to allow Willis Limited to continue in their present role in relation to a) Motor claims handling and b) Motor Uninsured Loss Recovery, for all vehicle claims made up to 31 October 2013, for the period 1 November 2013 – 31 December 2014.

Date of Decision:

4th January 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Ref:



Procurement of insurance for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner


In order to participate in the joint procurement exercise planned with six other members of the Northern Police Insurance Consortium on 1st April 2015, the Police and Crime Commissioner has agreed to award insurance cover to the companies set out in the decision paper now presented, with the exception of Engineering Insurance and Inspection, for an initial period of 12 months with effect from 1st November 2013, with a view to extending this by a further five months on pro-rata terms at 1st November 2014.

The Commissioner has

1) noted that the total premium for the initial 12 months cover will be £638,239; and

2) agreed to award the Engineering Insurance & Inspection Service on a three year Long Term Agreement from 1st November 2013, with optional extension periods of one year at both 1st November 2016 and 1st November 2017.

Date of Decision:

10th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



The Treasury Management 2013/14 Monitoring Position


The Commissioner has noted the Treasury Management activity that has been undertaken in the current financial year in relation to the overall performance against the agreed strategy and prudential indicators.

Date of Decision:

10th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Safety Fund


The Commissioner has approved the proposed use of the Community Safety Fund as set out in the decision paper now presented and noted the implications in respect of funding that could be available for additional community safety activity.

Date of Decision:

10th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision-2013-24-CSF Decision-2013-24-CSF-Appendix-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

DEL 2013/07


Community Safety Fund 2013-14


The Commissioner has accepted a contract variation for the emergency boarding contract for Lancashire Constabulary as set ou in the decision paper now presented.

Date of Decision:

21st October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision Maker:

The Chief Finance Officer to the PCC

Decision Ref:



Acceptance of contract variation for emergency boarding contract for Lancashire Constabulary


The Commissioner has accepted a contract variation for the emergency boarding contract for Lancashire Constabulary as set ou in the decision paper now presented.

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Financial Strategy – Lancashire Constabulary Restructure Programme


The Commissioner has:

1) endorsed the implementation plans to deliver savings of £20.5M over the period 2014/15 to 2017/18; and

2) ratified the requirement to formally issue an S188 notice to all staff affected by the proposals.

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/28


Contract renewal for the Link Job Evaluation System licence for 5 years


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article No. 2.1.2 of Contracts Standing Orders, has agreed to the renewal of the contract with Northgate Arinso for a period of five years, for the Link Evaluate Job Evaluation System Licences

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/29


Contract price increase for provision of Laundry Service to Constabulary


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.25 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has approved the request from Sunlight Services to increase prices on the laundry service across the Constabulary by 2.5% with effect from 1st September 2013

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/30


Contract renewal for the Salary Survey, Legal Line, Benchmarking and XpertHR Resource Licence


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article No. 2.1.2 of Contracts Standing Orders, has agreed to enter into a contract for a period of 12 months with Reed Business Information Limited, for the XpertHR Salary Survey, Legal Line, Benchmarking and Resource Licences

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/31


Civil Claim


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of damages in relation to a claim.

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/32


Civil Claim


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of damages in relation to a claim.

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/33


Civil Claim


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of damages in relation to a claim.

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/34


Development, Implementation and Support of a Public Access System to interface with Northgate’s Pentip System


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article No. 2.1.2 of Contracts Standing Orders, has agreed to accept the offer from Northgate Information Solutions UK Limited for the development, implementation and support of a Public Access System to interface with Northgate’s Pentip System, on the basis that this is the only viable means of delivering the solution to integrate with the existing Northgate system

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/35


Revolution Contract with Blackpool Council


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has approved a contract to enable the Constabulary to invoice Blackpool Council for officer overtime incurred staffing clinics

Date of Decision:

30th October 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund Applications


The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the application as outlined in the decision paper now presented at a total cost of £1,300.

Date of Decision:

6th November 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2013-27-CAF 2013-27-Appendix-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Funding and Commissioning Framework


The Commissioner has approved the Funding and Commissioning Framework.

Date of Decision:

6th November 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2013-28-Commissioning-Framework 2013-28-Appendix-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund Application


The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in the decision paper now presented at a total cost of £5,050.00.

Date of Decision:

26th November 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



2013/14 Monitoring Position – as of 31 October 2013


The Commissioner has:

1) approved a Lancashire based model (and budget) for the delivery of victims services; and

2) the progression of a contract from 1st April 2015 for a period of 12 months (with an option to extend up to 12 months) with Victim Support, and in doing so waive the requirement to tender or seek quotations in standing orders relating to contracts on the basis set out in the report.

Date of Decision:

3rd December 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



The acceptance of a protocol variation for Lancashire Constabulary


Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED -This decision contains information attracting legal professional privilege and the commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Ref:



Regional Collaboration – Single Workflow Solution – Acquisition of Communication Data


The Commissioner has:

1) agreed to Lancashire being the finance lead for the Communications Capabilities Development Programme;

2) noted that acceptance of the associated Home Office grant will be required and that all costs ad income will be reflected in the PCC for Lancashire’s accounts; and

3) note that there will be a requirement to increase the capital programme for 2013/14 as a consequence of accepting the grant and that a further paper for decision will be provided once the full details are known.

Date of Decision:

3rd December 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:


Delegated Decisions


The Commissioner has noted the decisions and actions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by officers of the PCC or Chief Constable in accordance with the Interim Scheme of Governance.

Date of Decision:

3rd December 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

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